Thursday, October 22, 2015

Reflection on Project II

In this post, I will reflect on the entirety of my Project II rhetorical essay. More in depth, I will reflect on my revision process of the essay throughout the past week before finalizing it. A total of nine questions will be answered by myself to let you all know how my revisions have better formed my essay for my audiences and for myself as a writer.

Blanka. "Duck Reflection Water Shine." 08/23/2013 via pixabay. Public Domain Dedication.

1. What was specifically revised from one draft to another?

I revised the entirety of my rhetorical essay from its original draft. The introduction was reconstructed to better fit the purpose of the essay. The process was same for recreating the conclusion. After redoing the introduction and conclusion, I went back through and revised the entirety of the body paragraphs to also better fit the purpose of the essay as well as to better complete the introduction and conclusion.

2. Point to global changes: how did you reconsider your thesis or organization?

As an overall revision, I changed everything to completely point to the purpose that the essay was suppose to hold. The essay was to analyze the author's effectiveness in rhetorical analysis usage. Originally I had written about the strategies in general, but after realizing my mistakes, I rewrote to fulfill the requirements.

3. What led you to these changes? A reconsideration of audience? A shift in purpose?

The realization that I had incorrectly written the essay led me to rewrite the entire piece. My audience also shifted from a general population to the group of engineering students who may not understand the topic and are looking at my analysis to better do so. My purpose remained the same on informing, but changed to give different information.

4. How do these changes affect your credibility as an author?

These changes will enhance my credibility. It may not increase my credential standings but they will eventually get audiences to agree that I am a reliable source of the information I am analyzing and giving.

5. How will these changes better address the audience or venue?

The changes will give readers a sense of the effectiveness of my writings and will better give me a title as a credible and reliable author.

6. Point to local changes: how did you reconsider sentence structure and style?

I considered the structure of my sentences and their styles in that I originally did not construct it in the correct purpose. Once fully understanding what the assignment was asking of me, I changed the structures to match the needs of creating much better writing.

7. How will these changes assist your audience in understanding your purpose?

My audience will better understand the purpose of my essay now that I have changed the bulk of my writing. Before revisions, I had an entirely different purpose that I wrote for than now.

8. Did you have to reconsider the conventions of the particular genre in which you are writing?

I did indeed have to reconsider the conventions as well as the purpose and idea of my writing. For this reason, I needed to recreate my essay from near-scratch to produce the paper I have now. This one is much better than the original in that it actually pertains to the main idea that the rhetorical essay assignment asked of.

9. Finally, how does the process of reflection help you reconsider your identity as a writer?

As a writer, well not a writer just a freshman honor english class taker, I have learned that revisions are key to understanding the purpose of the writing you are trying to fulfill. It was not until I sat in class listening to my professor and peers that I fully understood the assignment to create the essay I have now -- which now fulfills the requirements in my opinion and helps my readers better understand my topic.

In Reflection, I looked over Savannah's answers and Kelly's answers and they both have very similar answers between one another and between mine as well. We all seemed to have changed out introductions and conclusions to better cater to our audiences. And with regards to the audiences, I think once we realized that our audiences were incoming students in our majors, then our mindsets changed to cater to them. All in all, our changes to our originals to form the final will help readers better understand the information entirely.


  1. I think the biggest part of my essay that underwent revision was my introduction and conclusion. I think the reason that they needed so much work was because they didn't fit the purpose of the essay just like you said.

  2. I have to agree with you that the biggest portion of the revision process was done with the introduction and conclusion. This was probably due tot he need to hook the reader, yet keep with the overall purpose of the project. Trying to craft a thesis that addresses these strategies was difficult, I glad you got through this process.
