Friday, October 23, 2015

Narrowing My Focus

This post is going to be a run-on from the previous post I published to my blog. In the previous post titled, "Questions About Controversy," I presented multiple questions in the categories of Who, What, When, Where, How. In this post, I will pick several of those questions and state why answering them will help me begin crafting my own public argument.

Michael Sauers. "Questions Answered..." 09/24/2006 via Flickr. Public Domain Dedication.
1. Are there groups or organizations strongly opposing the methods used in geoengineering?

This question's answer may yield additional information on specific sources of opposition to the methods of geoengineering. As David Keith is a supporter, other groups may be opposers and finding out who or what they stand for and what do they oppose exactly can help better understand the debate from both sides.

2. What other kinds of geoengineering are also in hot water? 

This question can help open the debate in geoengineering to other methods being employed rather than just solar geoengineering a.k.a. "solar radiation management." Opening up the debate and the understanding of geoengineering as a whole can help give additional sources when constructing a public argument.

3. How does geoengineering benefit or hinder the planet as it continues to occur? 

Again, opening up the debate to all possibilities is the best way to fully give an argument and to cover all the aspects of a controversy. If a person cannot argue from both sides and give sufficient evidence for the side he or she supports, then the debate may be invalid and unpersuasive when trying to gain readers and thus followers.

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